Sooryavansham en streaming

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Description :

Heera is naive and uneducated which is the main reason why his father has utter disdain for him. He is always treated as the butler boy for carrying out chores around the house but never as the son of the family. Heera rescues Radha from a forceful arranged marriage wedding ceremony and elopes with her. His father, Bhanupratap after hearing this socially outcasts him and sends him out of the house with his newly wed wife. Heera and Radha go through a lot of struggle and finally, toil their way to success after their bus service becomes a people's favourite. Over time Heera becomes a rich man. He follows his father's footsteps and inaugurates a charitable hospital in his father's name. Later, Heera is drowned in the depths of despair when he is accused of poisoning his father. Will Heera truly hurt his father? Watch this movie and find out.

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