Fruitvale Station en streaming

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Fruitvale Station

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Description :

This Sundance® award-winner follows the true story of Oscar Grant (Michael B. Jordan of TV’s Friday Night Lights), a 22-year-old Bay Area resident who wakes up on New Year’s Eve, 2008, and decides to get a head start on his resolutions: being a better son to his mother (Octavia Spencer of The Help), being a better partner to his girlfriend, and being a better father to T, their beautiful 4-year-old daughter. He starts out well, but as the day goes on, realizes that change will not come easy. As Oscar crosses paths with friends, family, and strangers, we see that there is much more to him than meets the eye. But it is his final encounter of the day with police officers at the Fruitvale BART station that will shake the Bay Area to its very core, causing the entire nation to witness the story and tragic death of Oscar Grant.

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