Lars and the Real Girl en streaming

Télécharger Lars and the Real Girl
Lars and the Real Girl

Regarder Lars and the Real Girl en streaming

Description :

Sometimes you find love where you'd least expect it. Just ask Lars (Gosling), a sweet but quirky guy who thinks he's found the girl of his dreams in a life-sized doll named Bianca. Lars is completely content with his artificial girlfriend, but when he develops feelings for Margo, an attractive co-worker, Lars finds himself lost in a hilariously unique love triangle, hoping to somehow discover the real meaning of true love. Offbeat and endearing, this romantic comedy takes a fresh look at dating and relationships and dares to ask the question: What's so wrong with being happy?

Lars and the Real Girl en streaming sur blablastream! Films en streaming

Voir Lars and the Real Girl en streaming sur internet gratuitement : Pour regarder Lars and the Real Girl cliquez sur le bouton play dans le lecteur.

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