Flicka 2 en streaming

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Flicka 2

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Description :

When her grandmother is diagnosed with dementia, skateboarder Carrie McLaoughlin (Tammin Sursok) is forced to leave the pavement of the big city behind to go live with her estranged father Hank (Patrick Warburton) on his horse ranch in Wyoming. With her skateboard tightly in hand, and no ramps or cement in sight, Carrie feels completely alone and is determined to make it back to the city. While putting in her time at the ranch, Carrie makes an unlikely friendship with a wild horse named Flicka who is just as unhappy and alone as Carrie. When Flicka is taken away and her life is in jeopardy, Carrie will stop at nothing to bring Flicka home safely where she belongs.

Flicka 2 en streaming sur blablastream! Films en streaming

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