Silicon Valley, Season 3 en streaming

Télécharger Silicon Valley, Season 3
Silicon Valley, Season 3

Regarder Silicon Valley, Season 3 en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2016-01-02
  • Vote: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 13

Description :

With Richard (Thomas Middleditch) unexpectedly ousted as CEO, Season 3 picks up with him offered a diminished role of CTO and the rest of his team--Erlich (T.J. Miller), Jared (Zach Woods), Dinesh (Kumail Nanjiani) and Gilfoyle (Martin Starr)--facing the question of just how far their loyalty extends. Now under a new CEO who is hell-bent on transforming everything from Pied Piper's offices to its business agenda, the guys must find a way to triumph in the war of Art vs. Commerce. Meanwhile, as Gavin Belson (Matt Ross) works to rehabilitate Hooli's image following his blunders, Big Head (Josh Brener) finds himself in a new partnership.

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