Punk'd, Vol. 1 en streaming

Télécharger Punk'd, Vol. 1
Punk'd, Vol. 1

Regarder Punk'd, Vol. 1 en streaming

  • Genre: Reality & Nonfiction
  • Date: 2003-01-01
  • Vote: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 9

Description :

Celebrity or working stiff, well-known or unknown, Ashton and the Punk'd crew see people for what they really are: vulnerable, gullible human beings. Frankie Muniz has his car stolen, while a couple of locksmiths get framed for breaking and entering. Kelly Osbourne receives some not-so-sound advice on her image, Justin Timberlake runs into tax issues and will Ashton get Punk'd by Britney Spears and his own crew? From the average guy on the street to the international superstar, Punk'd is indeed the great equalizer.

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