Punk'd, Vol. 3 en streaming

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Punk'd, Vol. 3

Regarder Punk'd, Vol. 3 en streaming

  • Genre: Reality & Nonfiction
  • Date: 2006-01-25
  • Vote: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 8

Description :

Just when Hollywood thought they could relax, that Punk'd was finally over, Ashton and his crew of misfits were at it again. Putting celebrities where they love to be: in the spotlight. Just not the one they've worked for. In Season 3, the season that wasn't supposed to happen, the celebrities are new - Matthew Perry, Chris Klein, Shannon Elizabeth, Tyra Banks and more - but the reactions of disbelief are the same, as they're unsuspectingly embarrassed in front of millions. Revenge? No. Justice? Probably not. Damn funny? Aw yeah.

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