The Flash (Reboot), Season 5 en streaming

Télécharger The Flash (Reboot), Season 5
The Flash (Reboot), Season 5

Regarder The Flash (Reboot), Season 5 en streaming

  • Genre: Drama
  • Date: 2018-10-09
  • Episodes: 27

Description :

Shortly after defeating The Thinker, Barry Allen aka The Flash (Grant Gustin) and his wife, Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton), were stunned by the arrival of their already grown, speedster daughter from the future, Nora West-Allen (Jessica Parker Kennedy). However, acclimating to their new lives as parents won’t be the only challenge they face, as season five pits Team Flash against Central City’s latest scourge – the DC Super-Villain Cicada. A grizzled, blue-collar everyman whose family has been torn apart by metahumans, Orlin Dwyer aka Cicada (Chris Klein) now seeks to exterminate the epidemic — one metahuman at a time.

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