Shameless, Season 9 en streaming

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Shameless, Season 9

Regarder Shameless, Season 9 en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2018-09-09
  • Episodes: 15

Description :

Political fervor hits the South Side in Season 9, and the Gallaghers take justice into their own hands. Frank sees financial opportunity in campaigning and decides to give voice to the underrepresented South Side working man. Fiona tries to build on her success with her apartment building and takes an expensive gamble hoping to catapult herself into the upper echelon. Lip distracts himself by taking in Eddie’s niece, Xan. Ian faces the consequences of his crimes as the Gay Jesus movement takes a destructive turn. Debbie fights for equal pay and combats harassment. Carl sets his sights on West Point and prepares himself for cadet life. Liam must develop a new skillset to survive outside of his cushy private school walls. Kevin and V juggle the demands of raising the twins with running the Alibi as they attempt to transform the bar into a socially conscious business.

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