The Durrells, Series 4 en streaming

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The Durrells, Series 4

Regarder The Durrells, Series 4 en streaming

  • Genre: Drame
  • Date: 2019-04-01
  • Vote: Tout public
  • Episodes: 9

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale de cette série TV. The future's looking bright for the eccentric Durrells, as we catch up with their lives on the beautiful island of Corfu. Louisa's keeping busy by opening the doors of the family villa as a guest house. But with cousin Basil her only paying guest, business isn't exactly booming. Larry's struggling to get his risqué Black Book published and enjoying love with two ballet dancers, while Leslie's throwing himself back into his job (and shooting). Animal-mad Gerry now has ambitions to open his own zoo, and Margo's up for another new challenge as she decides to start her own beauty salon.

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