Disney Junior Celebrates All Families en streaming

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Disney Junior Celebrates All Families

Regarder Disney Junior Celebrates All Families en streaming

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Date: 2021-05-01
  • Vote: TV-Y
  • Episodes: 5

Description :

Disney Junior celebrates all types of families! Doc gets the surprise of a lifetime! Mom and Dad McStuffins are adopting a baby and the McStuffins will be its forever family! While Bob is volunteering at Adopt-a-palooza one of the puppies gets lost, so Bingo, Rolly, Keia and Lollie go on a mission to bring him back in time to find a family of his own! When Pip and Freddy are tasked with delivering a baby kitten to T.O.T.S. HQ, they are convinced it must be a mistake since there are no cats at T.O.T.S. And when Fozzie learns he’s getting a little sister, he worries about being a good big brother! Whether they’re big families, small families or adopted families, Disney Junior celebrates them all!

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