Gavin and Stacey, Series 1 en streaming

Télécharger Gavin and Stacey, Series 1
Gavin and Stacey, Series 1

Regarder Gavin and Stacey, Series 1 en streaming

  • Genre: Comédie
  • Date: 2007-05-13
  • Vote: -12
  • Episodes: 6

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale de cette série TV. Gavin is an ordinary boy from England; Stacey is an ordinary girl from Wales. They speak every day on the phone, and yet they have never met. . . until now. When they finally meet and their ordinary worlds come together, we see — through their families, their friends and their differences — that there's no such thing as 'ordinary' after all.

Tous les épisodes de Gavin and Stacey, Series 1 en streaming

1 Episode 1 28:08 Voir
2 Episode 2 27:51 Voir
3 Episode 3 28:34 Voir
4 Episode 4 28:31 Voir
5 Episode 5 27:35 Voir
6 Episode 6 29:01 Voir

Gavin and Stacey, Series 1 en streaming sur blablastream! Series TV en streaming

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