30 Rock, Season 3 en streaming

Télécharger 30 Rock, Season 3
30 Rock, Season 3

Regarder 30 Rock, Season 3 en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2008-10-30
  • Vote: TV-14
  • Episodes: 22

Description :

In Season 3 of the Emmy-winning series, Liz (Emmy-winner Tina Fey) struggles to become a grown up as she realizes that getting that perfect man, the perfect apartment and the perfect life may mean climbing the corporate ladder and losing a part of her carefree life as a comedy writer. Tension and hilarity will definitely ensue as Jack Donaghy (Emmy-winner Alec Baldwin) becomes both an angel and a devil on her shoulder and Liz’s fellow writers and cast become more employees than colleagues. Lemon constantly has her hands full, juggling corporate interference from Donaghy and off-the-handle star antics from Jordan (Tracy Morgan), all while attempting to salvage her own personal life.

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