Gavin and Stacey: Christmas Special en streaming

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Gavin and Stacey: Christmas Special

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  • Genre: Comédie
  • Date: 2008-12-25
  • Vote: -12
  • Episodes: 1

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale de cette série TV. It’s Christmas time and the Welsh contingent have been invited to celebrate the festive season with the Shipmans. So with the help of Dave and his coach; the Wests head East. Dawn and Pete have come round for Christmas Eve drinks, and Pete’s brought his aged mum. Mick has an enormous turkey soaking in a bucket, Bryn has his mistletoe set to standby and Pam has a cracker of a present under the tree for Mick. But will the season still be jolly when Smithy sees how attached Dave is to baby Neil? Or when Bryn elaborates further on the fishing trip? But most importantly...will there still be tidings of comfort and joy when Gavin delivers a truly unexpected surprise to everyone in the room?

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