The Thick of It, Series 1 en streaming

Télécharger The Thick of It, Series 1
The Thick of It, Series 1

Regarder The Thick of It, Series 1 en streaming

  • Genre: Comédie
  • Date: 2005-05-19
  • Vote: -10
  • Episodes: 3

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale de cette série TV. From Armando Iannucci the writer and director of new film In the Loop comes a comedy set in and around the world of Westminster politics. The Thick of It follows the relationships between a Minister, his political advisors, and the media. The Thick Of It follows the relationships between the put-upon Minister for Social Affairs (Chris Langham), his political advisors, and their hapless relationship with the media. Peter Capaldi is his Policy Co-Ordinator and Chris Addison his Junior Policy Advisor. Described by Iannucci as 'Yes, Minister meets Larry Sanders', the series unveils the inner workings of the corridors of power and spin.

Tous les épisodes de The Thick of It, Series 1 en streaming

1 Episode 1 29:18 Voir
2 Episode 2 29:07 Voir
3 Episode 3 29:13 Voir

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