The Best of Rachel en streaming

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The Best of Rachel

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  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2009-06-22
  • Episodes: 10

Description :

Before the tabloids tracked her every move and millions everywhere coveted her hair, Jennifer Aniston had her Friends. The Emmy winner stars in the hit series as Rachel Green, the fashionista who left her fiancé at the altar to move in with her best friend from high school, Monica, and discover what "real life" is all about. These 10 episodes bring you quintessential Rachel. From starting her job at the neighborhood coffee shop, Central Perk, to inadvertently kissing her potential boss, to finally landing her dream job as a buyer for Ralph Lauren; from discovering Ross is in love with her to Ross finding out that she, too, cares for him . . . to the heartbreak of him marrying someone else. And, of course, don't miss Rachel turning 30, or giving birth as a single mom — with a waiting room full of friends. It's Rachel at her very best.

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