30 Rock, Season 4 en streaming

Télécharger 30 Rock, Season 4
30 Rock, Season 4

Regarder 30 Rock, Season 4 en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2009-10-15
  • Vote: TV-14
  • Episodes: 23

Description :

Welcome to TGS with Tracy Jordan, a fictional television show where the laughs are just as big backstage as they are onstage. In Season 4 of this critically acclaimed series, Liz Lemon (Emmy and Golden Globe winner Tina Fey) will achieve unexpected national attention and fame as an unlikely but wildly popular woman’s advice expert. She will also continue to juggle corporate interference from boss and mentor Jack Donaghy (Emmy and Golden Globe winner Alec Baldwin) and off-the-handle star antics from Tracy Jordan and Jenna Mulroney, all while attempting to salvage her own personal life. Get ready for more huge surprises and water cooler guest appearances in America’s favorite workplace comedy.

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