Sex and the City, Best of Carrie en streaming

Télécharger Sex and the City, Best of Carrie
Sex and the City, Best of Carrie

Regarder Sex and the City, Best of Carrie en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2010-05-24
  • Vote: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 10

Description :

When do you know if you’ve found ‘The One’? For Carrie Bradshaw, it became more a question of choosing ‘one’ from the two great loves in her life. Would it be rustic, romantic furniture designer Aidan? Or was her heart destined for the smooth heartbreaker known only as ‘Mr. Big’? Find out as HBO presents 10 unforgettable episodes of Sex and the City exploring Carrie’s respective romances with her two great loves. Available for download now.

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