One Tree Hill, Season 8 en streaming

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One Tree Hill, Season 8

Regarder One Tree Hill, Season 8 en streaming

  • Genre: Drame
  • Date: 2010-09-14
  • Vote: Tout public
  • Episodes: 22

Description :

As One Tree Hill continues to grow and break new ground, the show enters its eighth season with more than 150 episodes under its belt. And the best is yet to come. This season finds Brooke Davis happier than ever. Recently engaged to Julian, her wedding will be the captivating affair one might expect from a young, beautiful, successful fashion designer. As Nathan Scott prepares for his second season in the NBA, the Scott family is expecting their second child and Haley feels as though the baby will be a girl. How will she balance her pregnancy while raising Jamie and pursuing her music career? Also, Quinn and Clay's lives hang in the balance, the victims of a brutal attack which affects all of their friends and family. As the series explores the delicate balance that contemporary twenty somethings face as they strive to build and define what their lives will be, it celebrates the important things, and gives us all life lessons we can relate to.

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