Scandal, Season 3 en streaming

Télécharger Scandal, Season 3
Scandal, Season 3

Regarder Scandal, Season 3 en streaming

  • Genre: Drama
  • Date: 2013-10-03
  • Vote: TV-14
  • Episodes: 18

Description :

From the creator and executive producers of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice comes a drama revolving around the life and work of a professional fixer and her staff. A former media relations consultant to the President of the United States, Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) dedicates her life to protecting and defending the public images of our nation's elite. After leaving the White House, the power consultant opened her own firm, hoping to start a new chapter -- both professionally and personally -- but she can't seem to completely cut ties with her past, specifically her secret relationship with the President. But Olivia isn't the only one with a secret; her staff, who specialize in fixing the lives of other people, can't quite fix the ones closest at hand -- their own.

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