Gaiam: Rodney Yee Yoga for Your Week en streaming

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Gaiam: Rodney Yee Yoga for Your Week

Regarder Gaiam: Rodney Yee Yoga for Your Week en streaming

  • Genre: Sport
  • Date: 2013-12-02
  • Episodes: 5

Description :

Look good and feel great in just 20 minutes a day with Rodney Yee's Yoga for Your Week. Five different practices bring you five different benefits: focus, energy, flexibility, strength and relaxation. Perfect for today's busy lifestyle. Find an extra 20 minutes in your day and you're on your way to a happier, healthier you.

Tous les épisodes de Gaiam: Rodney Yee Yoga for Your Week en streaming

1 A.M. Connection 17:26 Voir
2 P.M. Release 21:46 Voir
3 Energy 21:37 Voir
4 Strength 22:40 Voir
5 Flexibility 23:22 Voir

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