Orphan Black, Season 2 en streaming

Télécharger Orphan Black, Season 2
Orphan Black, Season 2

Regarder Orphan Black, Season 2 en streaming

  • Genre: Science-fiction et fantasy
  • Date: 2014-04-19
  • Vote: -10
  • Episodes: 25

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale sans sous-titres de cette série TV. Season two hits the ground running with Sarah in a desperate race to find her missing daughter Kira, and a wild pursuit that brings her head-to-head with ruthless pro-clone, Rachel. This season also rejoins Sarah, Alison and Cosima as they struggle to keep the 'clone world' a secret and pick up the pieces of their broken lives - all the while dealing with the harsh reality that literally no one around them can be trusted. Orphan Black returns Saturday, April 19, 9:00pm ET/PT.

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