Orphan Black, Season 3 en streaming

Télécharger Orphan Black, Season 3
Orphan Black, Season 3

Regarder Orphan Black, Season 3 en streaming

  • Genre: Science-fiction et fantasy
  • Date: 2015-04-18
  • Vote: -12
  • Episodes: 24

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale sans sous-titres de cette série TV. Vous pouvez accéder à la version française en effectuant la recherche Orphan Black Saison 3 dans l’iTunes Store. Orphan Black returns for an electrifying third season that introduces a dangerous new threat to the ‘clone club’ sisterhood. Just as Sarah and her clone sisters were beginning to piece together the complex conspiracy behind the shadowy Dyad Institute, the discovery of Project Castor – a top-secret military project producing highly-trained male clones – throws their lives back into turmoil. Meanwhile, Alison has begun a lucrative but shady new line of business, and Cosima has discovered the key to the synthetic sequences that could keep all of them alive...

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